Enter localtime from server (18000 is 1970):
Wednesday, December 31, 1969 - - 19:00:00
0 Sec: 0
1 Min: 0
2 Hour: 19
3 Day: 31
4 Month: 12
5 Year: 1969
6 Day of Week: Wednesday
7 Day of Year (365): 364
8 Daylight Savings Time: No
Current time: 1741765555
Perl's localtime function: @localtime=localtime time() converts and breaks down time string
array index:value
4:month (0 is Jan., 11 is Dec.)
5:year (add 1900 to be useful)
6:day of week (0 is Sun., 6 is Sat.)
7:day of year (out of 364 or 365)
8:daylight savings time (yes or no)