Here are some solutions to problems Linux users often
encounter. If you have a better solution or have a question please send your solutions,
questions, or comments to us.
Are any of these solutions obsolete? Are they clear and easy to understand?
useradd notes:
1. Login as 'root' and run groupadd to create a new group
groupadd -g 567 'emailUsers'
include the single quotes.
2. Now run useradd to add new user to newly created group.
For RedHat:
useradd -c "Linux user" -d /home/users/tux -g 567 -m -s /bin/bash -r tux
For SuSE:
useradd -c "Linux user" -d /home/users/tux -g 567 -m -s /bin/bash tux
For Slackware:
just run adduser. This asks you a series of questions to create new user.
-c "Linux user" is the username
-d /home/users/tux is the home user of 'tux'
a directory /home/user/tux/ will be created with files inside
of /home/user/tux/
-g 567 is the group you just created
-s /bin/bash is the shell this user will use
tux is the username
3. Now change newuser's passwd for the first time
passwd tux